Submission for Conference

Authors are invited to submit first a "Extended Abstract" then a "Full Paper", based on their desired publication scope. For authors who wish to publish only the Extended abstract, they should submit within the deadline. Meanwhile, authors who desire their manuscript published in Conference proceedings by chapter book should submit the Full paper within the deadline. All submitted Extended abstracts or Full papers will be included in the Abstract proceedings of the conference.

 All papers should be submitted in English.


Note : How to submit ?

• It is necessary to have an account on the platform or create one,

• Once logged into the platform, click the “My Submissions” or “New Submission” button and follow the steps to submit.



Extended Abstract (for poster and oral communication)

Use the following template to prepare a short paper with two pages length and convert it to PDF Format :    

Extended Abstract Template


Full Paper (for publication)

Please download the following chapter book template to submit a full paper for the proceeding published by chapter book and convert it to PDF Format:

Full Paper Template (available soon)

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